
Assalamualaikum semua , ya buat lah macam ada 10 000 orang yang nak baca blog aku ni . Eh suka hati la , blog ai . Wuahaha . Kan dah janji haritu nak cerita pasal Cameron , eh aku ada janji ke ? Ah biarlah . Aku nak cerita nak cerita jugak suka hati la kau suka ke tak . So get ready untuk baca Ok ? cakap la ok .

So hari Rabu lepas PMR [selasa] kami Geng budak Form 3 yang tak matang ni ikut lawatan Cameron , Bas cakap nak mai pukul 8  ,tipu eh kau pakcik bas , Bas mai pun pukul 8 lebih ok la tu kan ? Dari tak mai terus . Anak ustaz Najib comel siott bini dia pun comel , Jadi kami pun ambil la peluang guna anak dia jadi model . Model apa ? ala model majalah Vogue tu ,keluaran November ,nanti Usya k? 
[ comel kan ? kan ? ]
Ya duduk dalam bas punyalah lama , HOHO Yang bestnya dapat tengok Mai bergaduh dengan Fizi , co cweet Ahak ~ Dalam bas tu macam-macam lah , bukak lagu lah ,bukak lappy la . Pakcik bas tu tak pasang WiFi lah dalam bas *cedih* , kedekut eh kau uncle bas ? .Dalam pukul 3 lebih ,kami berhenti solat , Ya la solat tu tiang agama ,tau kan ? Takkan tak tau kot . Lepas tu kami pun pi la Apartment kami , A'aah nak bagi lima bintang tu mengada-ngada sangat ,Alah 1-2-3 Bintang boleh lah~ . [ mak ai mulut complain banyak sungguh] , Kami pun berhenti tempat untuk shopping ja banyak , Malas nak cerita , So time malam kami pun balik la Apartment ,Ye la takkan nak tinggal kat Kedai-kedai tu pulak kang kena cop Penghuni TR pulakkk.
Malam tu excited sungguh tengok cerita Hantu , Satu rumah kan kami 14 orang ja, Ruang luas best best . 
Ahli2 : Mak qistina,adik qistina,Qistina,Aku [ain] , Alia,Mai,Aisyah,Keon,Syamim,Fadhlin,Asyila,Najjah,Mawaddah,anis .
Malam tu buat la kenduri bihun PAMA ,Wahahahahahahaha maklumlah jiwa remaja.
sedap oooo ,Almaklumlah aku dan Mai yang masak ,konfem sedap menjilat pinggan .
Malam tu dah nak tidur ,Keon dengan Aisyah tak leh tidur ajak la makan . Alia nak join ,aku pun nak join lah ,Geng kami yang tak join Mai dengan Syamim ja.Pukul 1 pagi lebih masak Maggi ,hirup sambil tengok cerita Avengers ,lepastu tengok cerita Hantu Lepastu tengok cerita Chibi Maruko Chan.Last-last semua tertidur dan TV dibiarkan,Pukul 5 baru tutup . Oh yeah GEMPAK!
Sejuk kot pepagi buta kat sana . Nak mengaku ni ,aku tak mandi Wahahaha [kat sana ja sebab sejuk sangat ] Jangan mengutuk aku boleh ? Buat la macam kau tu mandi sangat kat sana HOHO. Pemandangan pagi-pagi tu memang cun larh ! Hebat dan Menakjubkan,Cantikkk. :)
Pagi-pagi dan lagi aku posingg , Well.
Yang ratu posing tu Mai ,Keon dan Syamim Of Courseee , Kaki posing tuu , Gambar Murai tercabut ekor , Katak onn dan Ikan paus tu 400 saja gambar depa . Ishish ish , Bila la nak tobat Wahahahahaha XD .
Pagi tu kami pi , Ladang strawberi kott , Ya kott .Kat sana Aiskrim sedap,beli la nanti  ok ? 
Lepastu kami merantau posing sana-sini . Kat sana Ada iguana dan Arnab comeyyy ,Bunga kat Taman tu cantik sangatt . :D aku jumpa bunga Hydrangea :D dalam Anime sankarea tu , Cantikkk~
Hahahahaha best kott , ..Nanti smabung lain nak megutuk mak jemah japp

Dia gila

Bayangkan aku tengah bahagia balik Cameron Highland lepak dan gila-gilaan dengan kengkawan aku and then bila balik dapat mesej tulis "Better kita jadi kawan , I hope you happy when you read this " LOL cara cakap macam nak Break dengan aku , wey bila masa aku kapel dengan Kau pun tak tau . And then cakap semua ni cuma misunderstood saja and merayu-rayu nak aku balik ,Ek ? Who cares bongok , we are never ever getting Back Together.. HAHAHA .

Alasan dia dia cemburu dengan Andika wahhahahhaha , Kawan-kawan dia cakap aku ada affair dengan Andika , oh ! Really ? Wey kalau aku ada relationship dengan Andika aku la makhluk Tuhan paling Bahagia 
Hahahak XD , Well Andika pun comell , Doa la banyak-banyak mintak terkabul k ?

Hahahahahahahahahahha wey serius lawak gila , Jap nanti aku post cerita pasal Cameron tapi gambar lambat sikit uploadd kot , :p , Ahaaaaa dah dah aku nak on Twitter nak tweet pasal Andika ni kahkah


Cakap tak serupa Bikin

Wowowowo aku sumpah minggu lepas kau dengan dia cakap "jangan fitnah,kami takdak apa-apa hubungan"" and then tiba-tiba minggu ni update "Aku taknak kehilangan dia" dan scandal yang kena fitnah la sangat tu komen "Aku tak nak hubungan kita hancur disebabkan orang lain"" .WOW ,hebat gila -_-

Aku bukannya apa , jeles setitik air hujan pun takdak cuma geram sebab hampa dua tuduh kawan-kawan kami bawak fitnah ,OMG fitnah apanya ,betul la tu kan ? [ gaya Mak Tipah belakang rumah mengumpat ] ,
Cakap tak serupa bikin betul la hampa ni , Hampa buat loghat KL aku yang tak berapa KL tu nak keluar , korang eh korang ho ho tak kau !

Oh no, esok ada Exam , perabih ilmu je aku mengumpat hampa [ walaupun dah mengumpat ] ,dah dah kalau betul-betul hampa couple terus terang saja takyah sorok-sorok :D ,Tak tsunami aih kalau orang tau hampa couple . Muahahaha


My :The number one President in the worldKnow how to treat me that way, okay?Number one,do notice when I have a different mood from usualNumber two, be sure to go as far as looking down at my shoes properly, do I make myself clear?Number three , for every single world I say, reply with two words
If you understand that say "I do"
I'm not really saying anything selfish
I want you to think from your heart that I'm super cool
The number one president in the world
Realize that, Keeping me waiting is out of the question
Who do you think I am?, Somehow I would already like to eat something bitter
Go get it immediately
My fault? Let's call it a cool mistake
Complaints are not permitted, Well? Are you clearly hearing what I am saying? Come on and what about this? A Personal helicopter, isn't that needless to say?
Come and take me away
If you understand that, take my hand and say " President "
But you know, it's alright to scold me a little?
My very own vice-president in the world
Everything, everything, I will hold myself back from it
Don't think that I'm a selfish president
Even I will be able to do it if I try
You will regret this afterwards Answer :
 The number one president in the whole entire worldI know by heart how to treat you like that
Don't I?First, I notice that your mood is different from usual
Second, I should bow down really low whenever I meet you
So sorry!
Third, I will go along with every selfish desire you ask for with a pretty concise response
I understand, so forgive me now for making you sad
I really don't think you're selfish
But I do think you're pretty cute.
I just don't like saying it in front of you!
The number one president in the whole entire world
I promise I'll be by your side forever
So keep smiling
And if you ask me, we're one when we're together
I'll never leave you, princess
DAISUKI DAYO! (I love you!)
 A fault? She has countless!
I've never had a day where she says nothing
And she never really listens to me, ya know?
Well, but, yeah
That innocent  attitude  that calls my name
I don't hate that.
Oh shut up... I'd never say that.
After all, you're the president
I really don't think you're selfish,
But can't you lend me your heart sometimes?
My number one  president in the whole entire world
You're more precious to me than anybody else
I'll be the one to steal your heart
Aren't you satisfied with me?
I didn't mean that!
I was just joking! Seriously!
You really don't understand!
I was truly just joking
 I will never forget anything
Nothing, nothing. I'll never forget anything
Those are the memories with my president
"Don't tell me you remembered?"
"You remembered it too."
Of course I remembered.
Because you are...
The number one president in the whole entire world
I'll keep watching you, so stay as you are
My president is certainly the best!

Selamat Hari Raya aaa~

Selamat Hari Raya :D (buat macam ada orang nak baca)  heee ~
Akhirnya raya sudah tiba , jengjengjeng
Cam biasa 3 kali setahun aku Update , haha :D
Lepas Raya aku nak :

1.Beli gitar akustik impian aku ( *_* ) wait for me guitar .
2. Beli manga baru :D

Tu yang aku nak beli lepas raya , InsyaAllah , my darling guitar ,wait for me ....

Nasib baik artwork wa x dimintak untuk bulan 9 :D , kena siapkan komik sebelum pertengahan bulan 12 . hoho nasib baik ~ XD

New Idea

 New idea pooped on my mind for my manga/anime ! Yeah , its a another good story . Its about 15  years old girl from Kawaku High School named Kagayaku Sakura which don't really go out from her house . So one day , she go out from her house and sit under a tree which stated infront of her house.Suddenly a guy riding a bicycle stop infront of her and asked how's her . She was shocked seeing Sawada Ren which is her junior grew up become a handsome guy.Fall in love for the first time , Sakura started to stalk Ren . Will she be able to make Ren fall in love with such an old girl like her ? Its all in i still dont know the tittle =_= , that's the problem , Thank u.

That annoying people...

Hey have you ever feel such some feeling which is called " someone annoyed you ? " , if you ask me then i'll say yep. You know there's actually alot of people which is annoy me like :

1.That couple who want to show that they love is each other ON Facebook.
  = im not jealous , i already get it "i am forever alone".
2.Guy friends which is forget about their bff while they with their stupid annoying ignorance girlfriend.
= i dont really care but guyz please, she is too "bitch "   (sorry :P )
3.People who dont reply to ur chat eventhough you saw them online or updating status.
= seriously , wth ? i mean if you dont want to reply , go off and dont update your status or you might just go to hell :p or you might be replying back " im busy "
4.People who keep telling you about their whatever happen in their life which is including of " showing off "
= i mean stop showing off =_=
5. gotta write later , im busy :P .


Assalamualaikum , dah 3 tahun 80 bulan dah aku tak update blog ni -_- , malas gila aku rasa, dah la esok kena pi sekolah.Aku nak dok rumah online T_T . Boring gila , baca balik catatan blog dan delete yang aku  rasa malu nak baca , Gila macam orang gila ja aku tulis entri untuk tahun  lepas . Ah malasnya , aku rasa sangat malas dah la kerja sejarah tak siap lagi , komik yang kena siap bulan 6 pun sepatah huruf aku tak siap lagi.Malas-malasnya , malas gila.Aku tak mau pi sekolah , tak mau. =_= ,Boring gila , aku pun rasa macam orang gila ja tulis macam-macam yang aku sendiri tak paham.Dah la berhenti takat ni dah la ,Aku nak pi tengok hamba abdi aku online lagi ke dak.Bai bai